Aleph Bet: Animals Edition: A Hebrew Alphabet Book For Kids: Hebrew Language Learning Book For Babie

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Aleph Bet: Animals Edition: A Hebrew Alphabet Book For Kids: Hebrew Language Learning Book For Babie

Do you have kids and want them to be fluent in Hebrew in the future?

This Hebrew alphabet book is a great book to begin the language journey!

In this book, you'll find:

  • All 22 letters written with diacritics (nikud)
  • Each letter is accompanied with an illustration of an animal that matches the letter
  • Transliterations are also included
  • Few pages of simple matching games are included at the end
  • So don't wait any longer. Make sure to grab your copy today!

    P.S. Click on our author's name (Olam Katan Press) to check out similar Hebrew language learning books such as this.

    Publication Date: 
    February 26, 2020