In Other Words

In Other Words is dedicated to celebrating foreign literature, new translations into English, and the extended conversation between our intercontinental displays, author events, and promotions.

February 20th, 2020


Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino 

This book is like tumbling through a lovely, vivid dream. Each city is gorgeous and thought-provoking and tantalizingly ephemeral. Read this book to dance among the stars while curled up in your chair.

Life of Galileo, Bertolt Brecht

Brecht's words dazzle and enthrall but also deeply affect in this play about faith and science. Galileo the man is made familiar and human as he resists the silencing hand of the Catholic church, pleading with...

Posted in: In Other Words
January 9th, 2020


Co-op bookseller Alex recommends these German books - divided here into fiction and non-fiction. In her introduction to the selection, she writes, "Last year marked a series of anniversaries for Germany: 101 years since the end of WWI, 80 years since the beginning of WWII, and 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Join us in reflecting on the past century along with prominent German writers — revisit the memories of the Beer Hall Putsch, Kristallnacht, and the fall of the Berlin Wall in Am 9. November, read personal accounts of flight from East Germany in Wolfgang Bachkoenig's Sommer 1989...

Posted in: In Other Words
January 9th, 2020

CometierraDolores Reyes
Cuando era chica, Cometierra tragó tierra y supo en una visión que su papá había matado a golpes a su mamá. Esa fue solo la primera de las visiones. Nacer con un don implica una responsabilidad hacia los otros y a Cometierra le tocó uno que hace su vida doblemente difícil, porque vive en un barrio en donde la violencia, el desamparo y la injusticia brotan en cada rincón y porque allí las principales víctimas son las mujeres.

Jeidi, Isabel M. Bustos
No se llama Jeidi, pero así le dicen porque vive sola con su abuelo en la punta del cerro. Es 1986, al campo están...

Posted in: In Other Words
December 6th, 2019


Our booksellers have curated a list of remarkable books in Spanish, some with English translations and some without*, for our newsletter about foreign lit, In Other Words. Subscribe at the link, and enjoy our handpicked book selections, author events and interviews, and much more. 

*If a book has an English translation, the description will be available in the original and in translation. The books are available online and at the store....

Posted in: In Other Words