Worship, Liturgy & Preaching

Image: Witness at the Cross

Witness at the Cross

Written by Levine, Amy-Jill
Image: The End of Words:The Language of Reconciliation in a Culture of Violence

The End of Words:The Language of Reconciliation in a Culture of Violence

Written by Lischer, Richard
Image: The Worshiping Body:The Art of Leading Worship

The Worshiping Body:The Art of Leading Worship

Written by Long, Kimberly Bracken
Image: The Witness of Preaching

The Witness of Preaching

Written by Long, Thomas G
Image: The Homiletical Plot:The Sermon as Narrative Art Form

The Homiletical Plot:The Sermon as Narrative Art Form

Written by Lowry, Eugene L
Image: Shaping the Christian Life:Worship and the Religious Affections

Shaping the Christian Life:Worship and the Religious Affections

Written by Mathews, Matthew T
Image: Diverse Worship:African-American, Caribbean and Hispanic Perspectives

Diverse Worship:African-American, Caribbean and Hispanic Perspectives

Written by Maynard-Reid, Pedrito U
Image: Do This:Liturgy as Performance

Do This:Liturgy as Performance

Written by McCall, Richard D
Image: Ancient Christian Worship : Early Church Practices in Social, Historical, and Theological Perspective

Ancient Christian Worship : Early Church Practices in Social, Historical, and Theological Perspective

Written by McGowan, Andrew B
Image: Shaping the Claim:Moving from Text to Sermon

Shaping the Claim:Moving from Text to Sermon

Written by McMickle, Marvin a