Celebrating the Prophetic Tradition

Celebrating the Prophetic Tradition
Of all the roles the church is called to fulfill, its prophetic mission is frequently the most neglected. Proclaiming and living out the prophetic message disturbs rather than comforts and risks criticism or even condemnation for taking a stance that is unpopular or threatening to the status of the community. Yet the church must speak out against the systemic nature of evil if it is to fulfill its calling as the body of Christ. God's unconditional love and truth that call the church into being summon us not only to love and care for one another with compassion, but also to demonstrate that compassion in ways that confront systemic evil in all forms. The Prophetic Call focuses on the disturbing and yet liberating form of witness described as the prophetic. It brings together a wide range of social ethicists, activists, and theologians to probe the deepest meaning of what it means for us today to take up the cross and follow the Christ. Each author shows us the importance of bringing the prophetic tradition back into our Christian worship, stimulating creative forms of liturgy to affirm and celebrate the transforming, liberating mission of prophetic ministry.
Publication Date: 
September 20, 2005