Civil Society and Political Change in Asia:Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space

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Civil Society and Political Change in Asia:Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space

This book is the first comprehensive, systematic investigation of the connection between civil society and political change in Asia--change toward open, participatory, and accountable politics. Its findings suggest that the link between a vibrant civil society and democracy is indeterminate: certain types of civil society organizations support democracy, but others have the potential to undermine it.

Further, the study argues that while civil society is a key factor in political change, democratic transition and consolidation hinge on the development of effective political parties, legislatures, and state institutions. Rooted in a common definition of civil society, a strong analytical framework, and rich empirical material, the analyses and conclusions of the book will have a lasting impact on the understanding of civil society and its relation to democracy in Asia and around the world.

Publication Date: 
November 20, 2004