Lit & Luz Festival: Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry—A Conversation with the editor and contributors

Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 12:00pm - 1:00pm

The Lit & Luz Festival is a one-of-a-kind series of events featuring renowned authors, visual artists, and musicians from Chicago and Mexico in cultural exchange and conversation. This series of readings, conversations, artist talks, and performances, including signature event the Live Magazine Show, highlights new translations and artistic collaborations—showcasing some of the most innovative contemporary artists from both countries. The festival takes place in Chicago in the fall, followed by the Lit & Luz Festival Mexico City in the winter. Click here to learn more.

The upcoming Lit & Luz Festival is themed “Revision.” October 31st -November 5th join us for more than a dozen bilingual programs throughout Chicago. Check out the 2022 Chicago schedule and register for programs and workshops, and don’t forget tickets to this year’s Live Magazine Show!

This is a virtual event. Join HERE

About the event: Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry collects personal and academic writing from Latino, Latin American, Latinx, and Luso poets about the nature of poetry and its practice. At the heart of this anthology lies the intersection of history, language, and the human experience. The essays not only expand the poetic landscape but extend Latinx and Latin American linguistic and geographical boundaries. Join Daniel Borzutzky as he discusses this one-of-a-kind anthology with editor Ruben Quesada and contributors Sheryl Luna and ire'ne lara silva.

In partnership with UIC’s Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas

Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry recopila escritos personales y académicos de poetas Latinos, Latinoamericanos, Latinxs y Lusos, sobre la naturaleza de la poesía y su práctica. En el corazón de esta antología yace la intersección de historia, idioma y experiencia humana. Los ensayos no sólo amplían el paisaje poético, sino que expanden los límites lingüísticos y geográficos Latinx y Latinoamericanos. Acompaña a Daniel Borzutzky mientras analiza esta antología única en su tipo con las colaboradoras Sheryl Luna e ire'ne lara silva y su editor Ruben Quesada.

In asociasión con UIC’s Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas

Event Location: 