Make It Your Own:25 Stylish Projects for Your Home
Anna Alicia, the designer-maker behind eco-ethical homeware and jewellery label A Alicia, brings you 25 beautifully designed projects to help transformyourhome into a wonderful living space that truly reflectsyourpersonal style.Anna s approach encourages readers not only to try their hand at a range of craft techniques, but also to explore the elements of design. The projects in"MakeitYourOwn"range from creating gorgeous wall-hangings to makingyourownlampshades always using simple techniques to striking effect. Be inspired to exploreyourownstyle and creativity with suggestions for how to adapt each project to really makeityourown . The gorgeous photography throughout shows how the projects can work withyourexisting decor to transformyourspace. Anna also gives tips on using eco-ethical and vintage materials, a subject close to her heart.Whatever kind of space you live in, this book is about creating beautiful handmade objects that willmakeitreally feel like"your"home."