A Moment on the Clock of the World: A Foundry Theatre Production
A MOMENT ON THE CLOCK OF THE WORLD is an invitation to consider how we make the world, together. It collects the voices of people who respond to this invitation with their living lives and prolific work: artists, social justice practitioners, cultural critics and public intellectuals -- Cornel West, Taylor Mac, Alisa Solomon, Robin D.G. Kelley and Laura Flanders among them -- whose own inquiries intersected with that of the award-winning Foundry Theatre across its 25-year history.
Notions of collaboration, art, community, space, prefigurative politics, metrics, and Time animate a conversation about the ways that artists and social justice workers build a more equitable world, and the historic challenges of their doing so together.
A MOMENT ON THE CLOCK OF THE WORLD follows The Foundry's long-standing tradition for creating provocative relationships between form and content. Its layout divides each page into two discrete horizontal sections; the top two-thirds contain each contributor's chapter, while the bottom of the pages throughout the book hold a history of The Foundry's inquiry by the company's founder. There is no prescribed way to read this book. Rather, it is designed to invite the reader to discover and gather shared themes and ideas in any number of ways.
The title of the book recalls renowned social activist and philosopher Grace Lee Boggs's legendary -- and for some, incendiary -- call for a new kind of activism: "Now is the time on the clock of the world to grow our souls." This book gathers together hard-won insights of its "moment." It's a moment on the continuum of ever in the (r)evolutionary human project of making the world.