Women Warriors: Pamela Toler & Carol J. Adams

April 14th, 2019

Open Stacks returns with historian Pamela Toler on women for whom battle was not a metaphor, while positing the use of story in shaping shared history. Meanwhile, feminist-vegan advocate Carol J. Adams deconstructs the narrative surrounding hamburgers and other animal sourced foods, and how eating, like reading, is always political. Plus, Co-op booksellers weigh in on the glut, guilt, and glory of biting off more than most readers can chew when it comes to ARCs (aka, advance reader copies).

On March 25, 2019, historian Pamela Toler joined us at the Co-op to discuss her new book, Women Warriors. If you would like to learn more about the books she mentioned in her conversation with Colin, have a look at Toler's Selected Bibliography

Forgotten, no good, or simply on sale? Seminary Co-op Assistant Manager Alena Jones looks past the Front Table for books of great value: what remains (and why) when books of value get marked down. 


One of the many perks of working at a bookstore is being able to get copies of books before they hit the shelves. In this week's episode, our booksellers talk about these advanced reader copies, also known as ARCs and galleys. Stay tuned to this week's segment of Read with Us to hear about the ARCs that our staff couldn't wait to get a hold of, but for one reason or another, haven't read yet. Some of the many advanced copies we've acquired, pictured above. Below are definitions/etymologies for the publishing jargon we used in this week's episode.

remainder (noun) 

A book sold at a reduced price by the publisher after sales have slowed (Mermain Webster)


galley (noun)

Galleys are named for a printing tool, the galley, which was a metal tray that type would be inserted into by hand back in the day of hand-assisted mechanical printing. Galleys would be used to print one or two copies of a book for proofreading, which is how we came to use the term “galley proof” for a very rough printed proof of a book. (TCK Publishing)

advanced reader copy, ARCs (noun)

Books produced privately by publishers and distributed to booksellers and journalists prior to the official release date. Because ARCs may not have been put through the entire editing process, the copy will often differ slightly from the standard edition of the book. ARCs may also have different cover art. (Abe Books)


Carol J. Adams, a feminist-vegan advocate, activist, and independent scholar, joined Marla Rose, an award-nominated journalist, columnist, author and co-founder of Chicago VeganMania to discuss Adams' most recent works, Protest Kitchen and Burger on September 28, 2018. The Co-op member, whose kind words kicked off our episode, is pictured below with our booksellers. 

What books have you been putting off? And why? Tell us about it on social media or drop us a line at podcast@semcoop.com.


Below, you can find all the books we featured in this episode. If you're local, stop by the Co-op to check out the Remainders section in person. Explore our Front Table no matter where you are by subscribing to our weekly email newsletter and by checking out semcoop.com/blog.