Socially Inclusive Business:Engaging the Poor Through Market Initiatives in Iberoamerica

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Socially Inclusive Business:Engaging the Poor Through Market Initiatives in Iberoamerica

The idea that market mechanisms can mobilize social change by engaging the poor in win-win scenarios is gaining increased world attention. Companies, social sector organizations, and development agencies are all beginning to glean the potential that lies among the world's poorest people, both as an untapped productive force and a neglected consumer market. This book aims to demonstrate how the private sector can become part of the solution of poverty.

In this study, the authors assess market initiatives in Iberoamerica by large corporations, cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, and nonprofit organizations.

A task force drawing on nine teams of researchers from various business schools and universities in nine countries examined 33 experiences, seeking to uncover what's needed for building new business value chains that help move people out of poverty.

Publication Date: 
June 20, 2010